Photo by Artur Rekstad on Unsplash

The clocks tick toward 2:57 a.m. PST on September 29, 2023, when the skies will illuminate with a full moon in Aries. Sitting across from the sun in Libra, both luminaries will find themselves at the uncanny sixth degree. This degree resonates with Virgo, mysteriously linking back to the themes of our recent new moon in that very sign. But whereas Virgo urged meticulousness, Aries — fiery and untamed — ignites impatience to sweep away life’s complexities.

The sun and moon, meeting at six degrees in their respective signs, take on a Virgoan undertone. Here, the methodical nature of the previous new moon finds an abrupt counter. The full moon in Aries will infuse us with a sense of urgency, perhaps leading us down the treacherous path of burning bridges if our impulsivity goes unchecked. In astrological terms, the sun is said to be in its “fall” when it traverses through Libra. While the sun typically symbolizes our core essence and vitality, its position in Libra brings an air of indecisiveness and constant weighing of options — attributes quite alien to the solar force. This could further amplify the moon’s restlessness, giving us dual challenges to maneuver.

From Astrodienst Astrowiki The sign of a planet in its fall is always opposite to its sign of exaltation. In…

The moon will be super close to the Earth and during this lunar phase, the cosmos provides us with a lifeline of sorts. Venus, the current ruler of the sun, is gallantly placed in Leo, while Mars, the moon’s overlord during this lunation, resides in the sign of Libra. These planetary dignitaries form a sextile at twenty-one and twenty-two degrees, presenting us with some reason amid the turmoil. The twenty-first degree, mirroring Sagittarian expansiveness, allows for broader perspectives. Simultaneously, the twenty-second degree channels the Capricornian knack for building solid structures and exhibiting caution.

image created by author on Canva
An aspect in which two planets are separated by an angle of 60 degrees. The sextile is a "halved trine" and is…

Mars in Detriment and a Taste of the Upcoming Eclipse

Indeed, the sun is in its fall in Libra and further infusing this lunation with complexity; Mars is in its detriment in Libra, sharing the room with the South Node.

You can see Mars conjunct the south node | image created by author on Canva

This celestial position adds a spiritual dimension, albeit one that saps our ambition, drive, and even our libidinal energies. There is wisdom whispering to us to select our battles judiciously. The South Node’s ethereal aura could render our combative spirit ineffective, perhaps even turning the spotlight toward spiritual crises — both individual and collective. Choose your battles; tread lightly on the spiritual path.

In this full moon cycle, the cosmos urges us to integrate the elements of fire and air, impulsivity and balance, ego and relationship. But it’s a tightrope, where one misstep could incite chaos, yet one right move could channel celestial harmony into our earthly existence. The full moon in Aries is shaping up to be a spiritual catalyst. As we venture through this lunation, let us keep our swords sheathed, drawing them when absolutely necessary, our scales balanced, and our spirits attuned to the greater cosmic narrative. So I guess the existential question, especially three days before and three days after this full moon, is: to arson, to arson not?


To arson, to arson not? - Full Super Moon in Aries | The Hypr'Scope