The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of September 2023

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of September 2023
Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash
Your favourite Scorpio is back with a mighty fine, refined, elixir formula
Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash

I hope you enjoyed a summer full of throwback energy, rediscovering joy and self-love. (I for one found myself constantly singing random songs from years ago and laughing hysterically at how creatively entertaining people are just about every time I logged onto social media.) But, alas, I’m back talking about September's dual spectacle of Venus and Mercury stationing direct. (And if you don’t know who I am well… Hello…and also, TF…shame on you man) These two going direct is not just a routine planetary shuffle, but a cosmic drama with wide-reaching implications, especially for those touched, or serenaded rather, directly by these planetary energies.

Venus Stationing Direct in Leo: A Resurgence of Heart Energy

Venus, the planet that rules love, beauty, and values, has been in retrograde for 42 days, a period in which many of us might have felt that our self-esteem was being tested, our relationships were undergoing moments of introspection, or our money moves were hindered in some way. A couple of days ago on September 3rd, Venus finally stationed direct at 12 degrees Leo. The bold and expressive energy of Leo complements Venus’ intrinsic nature, bringing forward a wave of clarity, confidence, and passion. For the week or so that it hovers (stations) around the 12th degree, it can gift us one more burst of confusion and insecurity until it moves into 13 degrees. Also, things won’t truly be resolved until Venus gets back to 28 degrees where it originally began its retrograde back in July. So keep an eye out for those degrees if you have them in your chart and do keep these things in mind.

For individuals ruled by Venus, those with Venus transiting one of their angles, and those with these degrees in Leo & Aquarius; this is a pivotal moment. The direct motion of Venus in Leo means a renewed sense of self-worth, an end to any self-esteem struggles, and the blossoming of love. It’s a time when confusion dissipates, replaced by a clear vision of what and who matters most. It’s a call to embrace what truly makes us special, to radiate confidence, love, and to bask in the admiration that the universe has in store. Our newfound likes, dislikes and even personal style are now on display for the world to see. On top of all this Jupiter will be stationing the same day Venus. What houses in your chart are ruled by Jupiter? Expect to overdo it a bit with indulgence spasms and just prepare for it, that way, the aftermath of stuffed lion fluff all over your room is only half gruesome. Jupiter in a way is affirming Venus, even if her vision is still getting used to the daylight after spending time in “THE UNDERWORLD.” *Dark Casanova voice*
I mean, clumsily, she’s kinda cute really.


Mercury in Virgo: A Cazimi of Clarity and Insight

Down the block from Venus, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, offers its own share of cosmic drama in these nebulous streets. It begins with Mercury in retrograde, joining the Sun in Virgo to form a powerful cazimi on September 6th. In the world of astrology, a cazimi is a moment when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, signifying a special point of empowerment. A planet is said to have the ear of the King when it is in such a position in the sky.

From Astrodienst Astrowiki Cazimi is an Arab term for a planet in very close conjunction to the Sun, i.e. when it is…

Mercury in retrograde can often feel like our communication wires are crossed, leading to misunderstandings and a haze of confusion. But if you're wondering why this Mercury retrograde, in particular, isn’t really the worst, that’s due to it being in Virgo, the sign of Mercury’s “exaltation”.

Synonym: Hypsoma A type of essential dignity. The qualities of a planet and its sign of exaltation are similar, so that…

With all this in mind, the cazimi becomes a brief window where the fog lifts, granting us unparalleled clarity. This day will honestly feel like Mercury isn’t even in retrograde! If there were ever a moment to harness for understanding, reflection, and making key decisions, this would be it. The trick (mercury) is … to be in a state of reflection and receiving, the crux of what retrogrades are mostly about.

However, the retrograde’s complete resolution will only start to be felt on September 15th, when Mercury stations direct in Virgo. Until this midpoint of the month, things might still feel slightly off-kilter, with minor errors and the like. The direct movement promises a smoother journey ahead, especially as Mercury goes on to make harmonious trines to Jupiter and Uranus, signalling expansion, innovation, and surprise.


Embracing Autumn’s Promise

The collective energy of these celestial events not only closes the summer with a flourish but also paves the way for the beauty and adventure of the Autumn season. For many, the past weeks might have felt turbulent or stagnant, with numerous planets in retrograde, creating a feeling of life’s monotony, perhaps even meaninglessness.

But as Venus and Mercury station direct, there’s a vibrant reminder that life is cyclical. Just as nature moves through its seasons, our lives too ebb and flow. These planetary shifts remind us that after introspection comes insight, after confusion comes clarity, and after stagnancy, there’s always the promise of renewal. Let’s take a moment to stand under the final luminescence of the summer night sky. Feel the energies of Venus and Mercury and know that the universe is in constant motion, bringing change, growth, and countless opportunities to those ready to embrace them.

The Fixed Signs win the luck of the draw for my exclusive September horoscopes. You can check out my full horoscopes for Venus & Mercury’s antics this month in the Men of Cosmos Astro$#!+ e-magazine. All you have to do is subscribe to EXOP on Substack and take advantage of my 14-day free trial now! (And to all the cosmic men reading, the 7th edition of the magazine drops tomorrow!) But in the spirit of Venusian giving, I shall leave you with philosophical ramblings to ponder…


Taurus Rising ♉️

“In the silent chambers of the heart, the home’s hearth burns with renewed intensity. As Venus awakens, shadows of doubt dissipate, yet Mercury’s murmur travels through the crowd of party guests in twilight, reminded of unspoken tales within familial walls. Where lies your moment of listening and expression ”

(Check out your exclusive full horoscope in September’s Issue of the MO’CA e-magazine!)

Scorpio Rising ♏️

“Echoes of relentless ambition continue to amplify in the towering citadels. Venus casts a golden glow on paths once hidden. But as Mercury whispers secrets of alliance and treachery, one must ask: What price for glory? Whom do you truly serve?”

(Check out your exclusive full horoscope in September’s Issue of the MO’CA e-magazine!)

Aquarius Rising ♒️

“Through the mirrored halls of partnership, Venus beckons, mending rifts with her tender touch. Yet as Mercury plunges into the abyss, it unveils forbidden truths. Where does your allegiance lie? In the mirrored reflection or the unfathomable depths? How far, O Aquarius, will you venture? Will you trade your urn for pure connection?”

(Check out your exclusive full horoscope in September’s Issue of the MO’CA e-magazine!)

Leo Rising ♌️

“The lion’s roar, once lost in the cosmic wilderness, finds its strength rejuvenated as Venus rises, fierce and unabated. Beware the trickster: Mercury weaves a complex web of values and veils. Will you chase earthly riches, or the richness within? Is the allure of gold truly detrimental if it brings you happiness in this maddening world?”

(Check out your exclusive full horoscope in September’s Issue of the MO’CA e-magazine!)