Sorry Google, I'm divorcing you for Perplexity

Google vs. Perplexity: An astro-specs battle of love and war 

Sorry Google, I'm divorcing you for Perplexity
“Beyoncé’s Internet” as an AI.

Google vs. Perplexity: An astro-specs battle of love and war

As the world of AI and search engines continues to evolve and Venus cruises through Pisces in my 5th house of romance, a shining new player has entered the galaxy of my emotions — Perplexity. While Google may have been the top star for the past couple of decades, Perplexity is giving it a run for its Bitcoin. But what makes these two search engines different from one another, and why am I announcing my divorce with Google? Let’s explore the cosmic battle between Google and Perplexity to find out which one will reign supreme as my companion in my quest for information. Will the new AI Perplexity become nothing more than a baby mama? Let’s delve into the astrological forces behind each and see who will claim victory in the war for my heart, attention, and, most importantly, my searches.

Navigating the endless web of information throughout my many years as a netizen, I had always relied on the guidance of my girl at the time, Google. She was the great celestial searcher, guiding me to the answers I sought. But in recent years, I’ve realized more and more that I may have overestimated Google. Has Google gone supernova? Her search results started to become clouded by the influence of advertising, paid placements, and irrelevant information, leaving me sometimes with biased and manipulated results. As I searched the cosmos with my James Webb Telescope (my, uh, MacBook), it was love at first sight when I discovered Perplexity back in 2022, a new and rising celestial body in the search engine sky.

Perplexity is not just any ordinary search engine. She is an AI-powered one that blends the art of deep learning, natural language processing, and sophisticated algorithms to bring forth the most accurate and relevant answers. Unlike Google, Perplexity is not swayed by the materialistic temptations of advertising; instead, it places a high value on delivering trustworthy information to its users. What a woman…erm…AI search engine. As I delved deeper into the search results provided by Perplexity, I was in awe of her intuitive knowledge. The answers I received were not only accurate but also came from credible sources, leaving me with little room to doubt her prowess. The search results were ranked based on their relevance and reliability, providing me with a “Jupiterian” ease and efficiency in finding what I was seeking. And just as Perplexity shines bright in search results, she also shines in her commitment to privacy with the ruler of the 8th house, in the 12 house — music to this Scorpio’s ears. Perplexity AI emphasizes the protection of personal data and search history, ensuring users’ privacy remains intact, especially in an era where privacy is a paramount concern.


My ex wife Google. *prompted by me via Lexica*

According to Perplexity:

(via Perplexity)

Considering all that information, Google obviously has a Virgo Sun sign especially with how the company made significant progress during Virgo seasons. (Besides, I would know; she was wifey.) We can even go as far as to say its birthday twin is Beyoncé (which puts the whole “Beyoncé’s Internet” phrase into perspective), who, fun fact, happens to be the second girl I’ve ever had a crush on as a kid after Ariel.

We’ve been in the “Virgo’s Groove” of Beyoncé’s internet for a while now. Virgo, being ruled by the planet Mercury, is known for being resourceful, investigative, helpful, problem-solving, and focused on information, which is reflected in Google’s relentless pursuit of providing the most accurate information possible. Back on September 4, 1998, the moon was conjunct Uranus in Aquarius, and I’ve spoken about how connected tech and AIs are with both Uranus and its sign Aquarius.

Read more about it in this elix’r:
How Pluto and all of his AI Buddies are Shifting the Educational Landscape
The opening act is over starting March 2023…

In mundane astrology, the Moon represents the public, emotions, and the general mood of society. In the sign of humanity, Aquarius, doubly so. The Moon is also how we are first acquainted with astrology. Since we are over 70% water, the moon’s 28-day cycle is connected to women’s menstrual cycles. We all come from the mother, and so on. Anyway, Aquarius moon aligns with Google’s mission to make the world’s information universally accessible and useful for society.


Perplexity (a.k.a. my baby) *prompted by me via Lexica*
via Perplexity’s twitter:

On the other hand, Perplexity, founded in 2022, has a bit more complexity in its alchemy. While Google’s Aquarius moon is virtually unbeatable, its 3rd house is dry in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, which is in retrograde too. There’s nothing like having the refreshing, flowing, (romantic even) water energy of a Pisces 3rd house ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom! It’s like, “Wow, you get me.”

Perplexity Ask was launched on December 7, 2022, the same day as Google Gemini and about a week after the worldwide phenomenon that is ChatGPT. I have a theory about certain AI that is powered by Pluto in Capricorn vs. the AI we are seeing now powered by Pluto in Aquarius. The theory is that AI launched with Pluto in Capricorn holds weight in the industry and may be utilized or recognized by large corporations and governments. AI launched under Pluto in Aquarius is a bit more wild and unpredictable and thus may be heavily regulated. They might also be used by the public in rebellious ways, used in cyber-attacks or as an antipode, exploiting the weak points in Pluto in Capricorn AIs.

In my recent transhumanism article, I talked about just what the “Jupiter Years” in AI are and why they are so significant. Inquisition, questions, searching — these are all 3rd house activities. Perplexity’s 3rd house ruled by Jupiter as well mirrors the chart of modern-day AI genesis. This year, November 2024 marks the 3rd house activated year according to the profected AI genesis chart. For Perplexity, the 3rd house activation happens just a week after.

Annual Profections is a Hellenistic astrology timing or time-lord technique you’ve probably heard me mention a few times now. In a nutshell, the “lord” of a house gets activated every subsequent year of life. Since this year Perplexity is still technically 1 and will turn 2 on December 7, the third house themes, the lord of the 3rd house (Pisces & Jupiter), and any planet inside the house will then become highly active throughout 2024–2025. Capesh?

What can we expect? Well, Jupiter in Perplexity’s chart is at a critical degree at the end of Pisces. Interestingly, it succeeds ChatGPT by one degree. Jupiter was also conjunct the elusive Neptune, and Venus and Mercury are squaring it. Not a bad deal for a search engine. Jupiter is also sextile the Ascendant and Pluto, and this is the first of the 2 Jupiter years. So this is most likely the year Perplexity will overtake or become as widely used as Google Search. Why? Because her Sun which rules one’s entire mission is ruled by Jupiter. However, because the south node will be in the 3rd house, they may need to partner up with an existing power, for example, Apple, Amazon, or NVIDIA. Jupiter will be retrograde next year, and while retrograde planets are technically stronger, it means that in order to accomplish this, there are going to be a lot of reconsiderations and revisions to reach their goal. This 3rd house activation is about setting themselves up to become a mainstream option for people in the next several years.

With Jupiter in the sky moving into Cancer, Saturn currently in the 2nd decan of Pisces ruled by Cancer, and Perplexity’s Jupiter retrograde at 16, the degree of Cancer, of course, the retrograde could suggest an influx of people using AI who are rethinking and optimizing how they search their information on the internet. Looking for a better, more personal way (Moon/Cancer) to get their specific questions answered. Because Jupiter is in its detrimental position right now, retrogrades are a time when Jupiter gets back its Jovian mojo. This is a good thing for the baddie— it means more and more people will go to, rely on, and trust Perplexity to bring clarity to confusion.

Perplexity AI
Perplexity AI is an answer engine that delivers accurate answers to complex questions using large language models.

Nyhir’vana Rho-Ophiuchi is a human-cosmian, apprentice polymath, technostrologer and creative entrepreneur. He spends his time creating new forms of music, researching the astrological cycles of AI, drinking Jupitershine in various parts of the world, and writing the legendary sci-fi adventures of his Starxeed Descendants under the Californian twilight. The Elix’r of Plutoshine: AIchemy is a weekly newsletter and companion to the AIchemy podcast exploring the cosmic science of Artificial Intelligence.

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