Astrologically Violated: Sora

Astrologically Violated: Sora
OpenAi's Sora

The Demonic Air Alchemy of OpenAi’s Sora

Announced on February 15, 2024, under the astrological coordinates of a Taurus ascendant, a Taurus moon, and an Aquarius sun, Sora is an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text prompts. It’s a text-to-video model that can generate videos up to a minute long while maintaining visual quality and adherence to the user’s prompt. The model is available to red teamers for assessing critical areas for harm or risks, as well as to some visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to gather feedback on the best ways to enhance it for creative professionals. Sora can generate complex scenes with multiple characters, specific types of motion, and accurate details of the subject and background. However, it showed minor weaknesses in accurately simulating complex physics scenes or understanding specific instances of cause and effect. Upon deeper astrological research, it seems I was a bit too ambitious in my video regarding some of the claims I made. I associated the astrology at the time with Sora itself, rather than the announcement. This was my error.

While we don’t have a timed chart for Sora itself, some of the things I spoke about still hold true because Sora was introduced to the world under this astrological alignment. The release date for Sora to the public is not yet confirmed, but it is expected to be available at some point in 2024. I recently shared my first impressions on the astrological implications behind the model and stated there weren’t a lot of things I could say that were uncontroversial. That is precisely what we’ll be getting into, as well as correcting and updating my Astro analysis from my original video. This is Open AI’s Sora, Astrologicially Violated.

(check out my initial video on Sora here!)

The True Inception Point of Sora

So let’s start with the big elephant in the room. Where did I go wrong? Well, here is the previous chart in my video timed for noon, and here is the exact announcement or “the inception” of Sora, verified by OpenAI on X.

(Sora was revealed to the world at 10:14 am on February 15th, 2024)

In general, it wouldn’t have been a super big deal if not for the timeline I laid out in my video based on the Gemini rising. The rising is now Taurus, ruled by Venus, but with the huge caveat of: “This is for the announcement of Sora,” which yes, will have some implications for what humanity will experience with the model in years to come. I spoke about a “Venus cazimi” that will occur in June. The relevancy of this still applies, as Venus is now the ruler of Sora. I love that Jupiter is now on the ascendant, which aligns perfectly with Sora, as Jupiter rules the sky, and “Sora” (空) is the Japanese name for “sky.” Now that Venus is the ruler, some other periods are super important, but we’ll get to that later. First, let’s talk about the element of air in astrology.

The Element of Air in Alchemy

Photo by sendi gibran on Unsplash

In astrology, the air element ultimately speaks to the mind. It’s about connecting, the sharing of ideas and concepts, movement, and flexibility. It’s a masculine energy, the lightest, and the second quickest element behind fire.

Air stands for contact with others, intellectual capacity, as well as a way to higher spiritual understanding. Air stimulates clarity of thought and the ability to make decisions. Without clarity of thought no insight is possible, and this is one of the elements of meditative contemplation in many wisdom teachings considered to be a necessary prerequisite to gain access to spiritual dimensions. — Astro-Wiki by Astrodienst.
Air energy has three forms of expression as Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius:
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

In Gemini, the air element is the most uninhibited (as if air could even be inhibited, but you get my point). It’s mutable and is not so much concerned with veracity, so much as it is with expressing whatever is on its mind. There is a quality of unrefinement with Gemini, almost like the curiosity of children with no bounds. It jumps from one thing to another, one person to another, one intellectual topic to another, and is an energy that lightens the atmosphere. It’s one of the most extroverted, restless energies of the entire zodiac spectrum, and because of this, it can be perceived as too rational, tactless, and impersonal. In zodiacal order, it is the first form of air energy and the basis for how we arrived at our current level of consciousness; by trial and error. Gemini said “Goo-goo-ga-ga,” so you could even be where you are reading this right now. It is the vehicle in which the other expressions can even form, but as with everything in the universe, it is subject to evolution.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

In Libra, air has now evolved to a point where it can start to have a point of reference and relate to bigger concepts of not just one or two other people but of society at large. This is where we get democracy and diplomacy. It’s air energy that becomes more purposeful and sharing but with a level of spatial awareness, if you will, of other people’s ideas. It is a constant balancing of this element that teaches us how to value other people’s opinions yet still have our own thoughts and ideas. It is also a quality of indecision and judgment. How you weigh your ideas against the ideas of others and society’s. This is also the most feminine form of air, which is a masculine element if you can conceptualize that. So in a sense, it’s more nurturing and caring about what you think and what you have to say. This is where we get romanticism, smooth-talking energy, pillow-talk energy, sugar-coating energy, etc. This is present more so here than in air’s other forms of expression. Air is also the most warriorlike in the Libran contrary to popular belief, but this is tied to justice and morality. This can be witnessed in the most vicious politicians who will try to restore fairness with fervor and vehement logic.

In Aquarius, the air element becomes radicalized and can manifest in the most tangible forms of experiments and inventions. Rather than the external playground in Gemini, it is more a playground where the mind experiments on itself, sometimes to the detriment of the individual and society. It very much throws caution to the wind, whereas Geminian air does not yet have the concept of caution. Here, we express air by creating ways to exist outside our mind so we can observe and attempt to solve the mysteries of it. It is an energy that inherently contains contradictions. It is both the limits of our intelligence and the genius beyond given to us by something greater, something divine. Although everyone possesses this type of air energy simply by embracing their eccentricity, its divine or highest form is usually very rare, disruptive and catalyzing.

Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

Where the topic of divinity is concerned, we have seen it in those among us who achieve “nirvana” or “enlightenment” in the Eastern traditions like Buddha for example. But before we become spiritual masters, we mainly connect to this energy via the crutch of “electrical stimulation,” making it more common to connect to ideas, thoughts, and vibrations that unfortunately are not our own, confusing it for transcendence. This form of the air element gives us our perception of the broadest ideas, like time, allowing for things to work in a paradigm where we benefit from the knowledge and inventions the previous minds left behind for all. Aquarian air is the most introverted or inner-focused expression of air energy, hence its name deriving from water (yin energy). It’s also the corrective of Libran air, so just when you think you’ve got a hang of it, this is the air energy that disrupts the perfect balance, and the cycle restarts again. It is both correct and incorrect to view this as the final form of air and it’s very much experienced like the divine sneeze of God, although, all three expressions could be any stage in the “achoo!” really. Such is the versatility of the air element.

The air element is important because Sora has a stellium (three or more planets) in earth and air. The air element, however, has a bit more significance because both the sun and the south node are in air signs. In fact, the public backlash it received is a testament to how predominant its air energy is and possibly will be when it is fully released.

A Quiet Demonic Tempest

Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash

Speaking of the nodes, let’s get deeper and touch on the south node in Libra. The nodes are a super important piece in what the future of Sora will be. As I mentioned previously, the negative traits of Aries will be magnified as the north node is at 18 Aries. The south node is also at 18 degrees (of course, directly opposite the north node), indicating a decrease in connections, love, art, creativity, courtship, joy, play, fertility, and even the ability to be in a harmonious balance with life and relationships, including the relationship to self. Also, a decrease in diplomacy and a spirit of righteousness. (Now would be a good time to refer to Air’s Libran expression above.) There is a decrease in how others feel and an unfair advantage to those who possess Sora. As Vladimir Putin once said, “The nation who controls AI will rule the world,” or something to that effect. The south node in Libra at 18 is a dangerous sacrifice of one’s own talents for technological prowess (the north node, which rules technology, is ruled by Mars in Aquarius, the sign of technology). It’s possible to see some sort of hack that can lead to the perversion of sexuality and gender because Mercury is in an exact sextile to the nodes, and Mercury rules the fifth house of sexuality.

I think one of the things we will see that Sora has just paved the way for is major psyops. In astrology, the sixth house is the house of the slave or the oppressed, and opposite to that is the twelfth house of spirituality and rituals. Aries is an energy lifeforce and of newness; a new form of spirituality can be birthed. Aries’ ruler is Mars, who is in Aquarius in conjunction with Pluto for the first time in 200+ years! It’s an implementation of something new and spiritual. The Mars and Pluto conjunction is ruled by Saturn in Pisces at 8 degrees. Saturn in Pisces operates like a dissolving of barriers, and what kind of barriers? The eighth sphere . . .

Photo by David Rodrigues on Unsplash

According to the father of Anthroposophy or “Spiritual Science” Rudolf Steiner, the eighth sphere exists parallel with our reality, a realm or another plane in a different frequency or density to our own. It is a subnatural world that holds lower, unevolved forces, sort of like what you would call “hell” or “purgatory” in religious schools of thought. The “aliens” that we are slowly getting fed as a narrative are actual entities from this eighth sphere. This is all an air alchemy ritual to change the way we think about these beings and relate to them through AI. I’ll just say it’s “highly probable” that Sora is a part of this because of the nature of the elements in its chart, the degree of the nodes, and where they fall in the chart. Even if we were to look at things from the sun in Aquarius, this would be ruled by Uranus. Uranus is about breaking free of something and moving to a “higher frequency,” which for the beings of the eighth sphere would be escaping their lower dimensions into the dimension we exist in. Sora’s Uranus in Taurus is conjunct with the moon. The moon in Esoterica is often portrayed as the guardian earth standing between it and the eighth sphere. She also acts as a kind of lock for those entities in that realm.

Uranus and the moon are ruled by Venus, who is in Capricorn, again, ruled by Saturn in Pisces at eight degrees. No matter how you spin the chart, these themes are present.
For more on the Eighth Sphere, check out the brilliant Gigi Young here! 
Watch with an open mind and at your discretion… it’s pretty deep, spiritual, and esoteric

In my original video on Sora, I gave a timeline for the progression of this AI model, stay tuned for an update on that and the role it will play in “Agenda 2030.” Now I doubt many of you will have made it to the end of this piece, but for those who did, know that the only reason this has such a spiritual slant is not that I want it to be, but because of the nodes that fall into the 6–12 house axis. I didn’t make it that way. The south node in the sixth house can very well represent our relationship to ancient entities that want to enslave humanity in a “techno-religion” (twelfth house) where we are codependent (Libra) on them for survival and everyday life (sixth house). This technology can easily be used to create any kind of psyop, fake alien invasions, or faking the second coming of Christ, but . . . maybe we’ll just have to wait and see if its actual release day chart confirms or denies this dark air alchemy at hand.


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