The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of September 2024

The cosmos is poised to deliver a series of transformative astrological events in September, starting with Pluto’s final return to Capricorn followed by a partial Lunar eclipse.

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of September 2024

The Ophiuchian Baptism

The cosmos is poised to deliver a series of transformative astrological events in September, starting with Pluto’s final return to Capricorn followed by a partial Lunar eclipse. This month, we will witness powerful alignments and retrogrades that will challenge our perceptions, shake our foundations, and ultimately offer a path to profound personal and collective evolution. It’s time to step into our Ophiuchian powers of mastery and rise to the occasion.

Pluto Retrograde Reenters Capricorn: The Final Descent

On September 2, 2024, Pluto retrogrades at 0 degrees Aquarius, slipping back into Capricorn for the last time. This is no ordinary retrograde; it marks the final chapter of Pluto’s long and transformative journey through Capricorn, a journey that began in 2008. Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, revisiting the final degrees of Capricorn, signals a time to confront unresolved issues related to authority, structures, and the very foundations of our lives.

Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn will form a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, also at 29 degrees, and loosely trine Uranus in Taurus at 27 degrees. With all three planets in retrogradation, the energy is deeply introspective and intense. This alignment suggests that the structures we’ve built — both personally and collectively — are being tested one last time. Neptune’s influence softens the harshness of Pluto’s transformative energy, bringing a sense of divine intervention or spiritual insight. However, Neptune can also cloud our judgment, leading us to escape rather than face the necessary changes.

The trine to Uranus, although loose, adds a layer of unpredictability and innovation. Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and breakthroughs, (stationed retrograde on the same day) amplifies its energy. Expect the unexpected, especially in areas where you’ve resisted change. This could manifest as a sudden shift in societal structures, technological slowdowns and intensity, or even personal breakthroughs that challenge your status quo.

On a global scale, this configuration could signify the last gasp of old systems struggling to maintain control. Institutions, governments, and corporate structures that have been resistant to change may find themselves facing inevitable collapse or transformation. Personally, this is a time to reflect on where you’ve been holding on to outdated beliefs, relationships, or career paths. The cosmos is urging you to let go and prepare for a new chapter that aligns more closely with your true purpose.

Neptune and Uranus in Messianic Astrology: The Mystical Mind and the Divine Disruptor

Neptune and Uranus play pivotal roles as they represent two-thirds of the Plutonic Prism that Pluto (our soul) enters. Think of Pluto as the concentrated light of the Sun (God) that creates a medium allowing us to experience the various divine bodies and incarnations. I believe this to be the case because, physically, we see Tombaugh Regio, Pluto’s white phoenix more popularly known as its white heart region.

After this concentrated light creates/hits this prism, we incarnate as a spectrum or as some people would say, “Multi-dimensional beings.” The Prism is Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. In Messianic astrology, (my practice of evolutionary astrology) we are well versed, (though still limited) with Mercury through our physical human incarnations Mars and Venus, or Male and Female. Another way to understand the Plutonic Prism is the principle Nikola Tesla brought forth:


Neptune and Uranus are ethereal and revolutionary aspects of the soul’s journey as Divine Masculine (Mars) and Divine Feminine (Venus) beings. In modern astrology, Neptune, often associated with dreams, illusions, and spiritual enlightenment, is considered the veil, the illusion that our mundane reality is separate from the divine. Neptune’s role in astrology is to dissolve the ego, encouraging us to transcend our earthly desires and connect with the divine source. It’s the realm of the unconscious, subconscious and mystical experiences that connect us to emotion and unlimited sublime creativity. However, Neptune’s energy can be deceptive, leading us into the traps of escapism, addiction, or disillusionment. It’s the energy of divine unconditional love and surrender, asking us to trust in the unseen and embrace the mystery of life. In Messianic astrology, we gain the perspective that these roles are assigned to it because it’s an incarnation of Pluto and furthermore, Neptune as an incarnation of Pluto is Mercury’s astral body. 

Uranus, on the other hand, is the divine disruptor, the force that shatters the old to make way for the new. It represents the mind of the higher self and even the mind of God and it’s the aspect of our consciousness that is linked to divine wisdom, ingenuity and transcendence. In modern astrology, Uranus challenges us to break free from societal norms, think outside the box, and embrace our unique individuality. In Messianic astrology, Pluto’s 2nd incarnation Uranus is Mercury’s Etheric body. It’s seen as the soul’s liberating aspect that actively frees the human-incarnated form from the confines of material existence and guides it toward spiritual enlightenment. Usually, we see this when we say things like “energy”, “vibe”, and frequency, this is how we relate to it in our current human development. Ultimately being an incarnation of Pluto, it is the being that serves as the medium through which we achieve evolution that is characterized and simplified in modern astrology to Pluto. 

However, right now, we are in the Mercury existence (Mars and Venus); the Human body. This is where the prism’s refraction of light comes into play and is why the human soul can take on so many different appearances and hues both physically and energetically. Hence Neptune and Uranus are planets invisible to the naked eye symbolically representing that they are inside the Plutonic Prism and exist within the human evolutionary potential. As we advance in our spiritual development and master our Mercury evolution, we approach the Jupiter evolution/existence or in the Spiritual Hierarchies, this is the human development of the Angel.

Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Together, Neptune and Uranus in retrograde motion create a powerful dynamic. Neptune invites us to look within as it dissolves our illusions and connects with our higher selves and the divine impulse of the Sun. Uranus pushes us to rebel against the limitations imposed by the ego and society, encouraging us to embrace radical change by aligning to the frequency of the Sun or Christ. This combination can lead to profound spiritual awakenings, but it can also create chaos if we resist the call to evolve.

As these planets influence the collective consciousness, we may see a rise in spiritual movements, revolutionary ideas, and a collective desire to break free from the old ways of thinking. Personally, this is a time to question your beliefs, explore new spiritual practices, and embrace the changes that are unfolding in September. The key is to remain open and flexible, allowing the divine guidance of Neptune and the revolutionary spirit of Uranus to lead the way. 

So we talked about Uranus, Neptune and even Mercury. hopefully, it’s really starting to paint a clearer picture of the messianic perspective of Pluto. I wrote a deep dive on the maverick in chapter one of my Pluto in Aquarius survival guide. Look forward to chapter two soon where in true plutonic fashion, we’ll dive even deeper…

The Magnum Arcturus: Pluto in Aquarius 2024–2043 (Ch. I) — Survival Guide Basics
“What is Pluto?”

A Cosmic Baptism Under a Pisces Lunar Eclipse

The astrological climax of the month occurs on September 17/18, 2024, with the Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces. This Full Moon is at 25 degrees in Pisces and will be in close conjunction with its modern ruler Neptune, adding an extra layer of mysticism and emotional depth to the already potent lunar energy. The eclipse also carries sextile energy to Uranus, creating a blend of spiritual insight and sudden revelations. The Moon however is conjunct Saturn retrograde and squaring its ruler Jupiter on the fixed star Bellatrix, so it’s safe to say this will not be an easy eclipse season.

As the light of September’s Full Moon on this star in the Orion constellation is obscured and eclipsed; it’s crucial to understand that this current war in our midst really is spiritual first. With the ruler Jupiter in Gemini in detriment on Bellatrix, this is trying to show us where we are living in adverse to our Jupiter evolutionary development. Where are we hypocritical? Where are we negligent or battling for a lost cause? Due to the strange twilight zone that eclipses often make us feel like we’re in, it can show us this by giving us a glimpse of what is right and true alignment, but through an ugly nightmarish version of our unhealthy mental blockages, Stockholm syndrome or maybe even sunk-cost fallacy. This is because Mercury is the dispositor of Jupiter and the eclipse highlights the Pisces-Virgo Axis of holistic health. The sextile from Uranus, in this case, is clutch because it offers a chance for breakthroughs and new insights, once we are fully willing to let go of the past and embrace the unknown…

Orion Greek Mythology - Paleothea
Orion's Origins and Family Born from a blend of the divine and the legendary, Orion's conception was no ordinary…


Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, will indeed be at 20 degrees on Bellatrix, a fixed star known for its association with great honor but also with danger, hypocrisy, and unforeseen losses. According to Astrology King, Jupiter conjunct Bellatrix natally suggests a philosophical and religious mind, but with a tendency towards fanaticism and legal prominence, often leading to slander or setbacks due to poorly made decisions. As a transiting influence a week prior and a week after the day of the eclipse, these themes could play out on both personal and global levels.

On a personal level, the eclipse may bring to light hidden truths or spiritual revelations that challenge your current beliefs. Exercise caution in your decisions, particularly in matters of faith, legal affairs, and personal relationships. The influence of Bellatrix warns against hypocrisy and urges you to align your actions with your higher self. This is not a time to take shortcuts or to ignore your intuition. Instead, use this energy to reevaluate your path and make decisions that are in alignment with your spiritual growth.

On a global scale, we may witness events that challenge religious institutions, legal systems, and leaders who have held power through deceit or manipulation. The collective energy is ripe for exposing truths, but also for creating divisions (Jupiter in Gemini) if we are not careful. This eclipse serves as a cosmic baptism, cleansing us of past errors and preparing us for the new spiritual cycle ahead when the North Node enters Pisces for 18 months starting in January 2025. But, this baptism comes with a kind of PTSD that we collectively have been quietly at war with for the past 2000 years.,1273

Bellatrix is a star on the right shoulder of Orion, a constellation that is considered to be the most important aside from the 13 Zodiac. I believe one of the reasons is because it’s the constellation of war and speaks to the warrior spirit of humans to potentially liberate themselves. Interesting that reports are coming out of OpenAI’s upcoming big project being called Orion, but I will talk more about that in AIchemy.

September 2024 is a month of deep transformation and spiritual awakening. The powerful retrogrades and the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces are calling us to assess whether we are further drowning in the lies of the Age of Pisces or if we are indeed starting to take shallow breaths into the Age of Aquarius. As we move through these cosmic events, remember you are not at the mercy of the zodiac wheel; you are the Ophiuchian with the power to shape your reality and align with your true purpose.

For those seeking personalized guidance during this transformative time, I’ll be offering eclipse readings for all my Zol’ciety members this month. Sign up to gain insights into how these powerful energies will impact your chart and how you can harness them to navigate your path with clarity and confidence.
