F-Zero? Donkey Kong!? METROID!? Could we see a newsbreaking Nintendo Direct under Mercury’s Retrograde Influence


We- the gaming community- eagerly anticipate tomorrow’s, pretty much autumnal, Nintendo Direct. In the world of gaming, anticipation is a symphony of excitement, curiosity, and sheer wonder. Every Nintendo Direct event (at least for me) is akin to the opening of a Zelda treasure chest, revealing the future of gaming delights. But what if I told you there’s more to these events than meets the eye? What if the cosmos itself conspired to shape these moments of gaming revelation? What if… Everything that’s about to be revealed can be read by its energetic imprint and cycle. Welcome to my little world of Nintendo Direct astrology, where celestial forces align to influence the gaming industry’s most significant announcements. It’s a journey that fuses the fascination of gaming with the mysteries of the cosmos, uncovering patterns, predictions, and possibilities that add an intriguing layer to the gaming experience. So, why do I unnecessarily venture into the celestial nuances of Nintendo and their directs, and why does it matter you ask? The answer is simple: because it’s simply an awesome, mind-bending fusion of two passions of mine— gaming and astrology.

This event tomorrow is not just another announcement no, no, no; it’s happening while Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, is practically posing in the sky during its retrograde motion, about to move forward again in the sign of Virgo, where Mercury is exalted. So here are all the astrological nuances, expectations and predictions for the September 2023 Nintendo Direct.

Synonym: Hypsoma A type of essential dignity. The qualities of a planet and its sign of exaltation are similar, so that…


Mercury, known as the celestial messenger, holds immense power when retrograde, often unearthing hidden treasures and reviving long-forgotten gems. In this instance, Mercury’s influence is magnified by its position in Virgo, a sign it holds in high regard. When I’ve covered Direct with retrograde energy before, I always find this combination sets the stage for presentations with a focus on revisiting the past, reimagining classics, and bringing forgotten titles back to life. *I did get my Metroid Dread announcement under a retrograde after all*


The timing of this Nintendo Direct is significant, as it occurs during a waning moon phase, just before the transition to a new moon on September 15. During the waning moon phase, something intriguing happens in the lunar cycle. You see, this is the time when the part of the moon that’s bathed in light slowly starts to shrink. It’s like the moon is taking a step back, moving from its full glory to a quiet new beginning. It’s not just a celestial phenomenon; it’s loaded with symbolism. Picture it as a moment when you let go of what you don’t need anymore and take a breather to reflect. It’s like decluttering your life, cosmically. Now, how does all this moon magic tie into Nintendo Direct? Well, think of it as setting the mood. We’ll see how this particular lunar phase will influence the vibe and content of the Direct event. It might bring a sense of wrapping up loose ends, a touch of nostalgia, and a lot of anticipation for what lies ahead. While it might not be the moment for groundbreaking console news, it’s all about creating an experience that stays with you, much like my cherished gaming memories of when I discovered Earthbound, Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger all at the same time. *smiles fondly*

This lunar configuration hints at announcements that mark the end of an era, possibly alluding to the culmination of the Nintendo Switch era. However, given the retrograde nature of this event, it’s less likely that we’ll see major revelations about a “Switch 2” or a successor console.


Past retrograde Directs have brought back beloved franchises and titles that have been dormant for years. Games like Advance Wars and Tony Hawn’s Pro Skatter were unveiled in a retrograde fashion. I’ll say it’s safe to expect a plethora of remakes and remasters. There’s been a lot of talk about titles like Donkey Kong, Metroid and F-Zero so we’ll talk about each of them shortly. With Mercury’s dominion over games and video games in general and Mercury’s strength during its retrograde in Virgo, the possibilities are vast. Look out for a range of titles that showcase mercurial qualities, such as strategic RPGs, (this obviously includes Super Mario RPG remake) skill-based games, and perhaps even iconic classics. Fighting games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat have high potential, especially the latter with the recent anniversary of Mortal Kombat II that just happened on September 9th.


During tomorrow’s Direct event, the ascendant will form a harmonious trine with Pluto in Capricorn, evoking an air of detective games, and games with emotional depth and rich narratives. Keep an eye out for updates on the upcoming Luigi’s Mansion game, scheduled for 2024, as it fits this Plutonian cosmic pattern perfectly. Pluto, in astrological terms, embodies traits of the concealed, the enigmatic, and the transformative. It operates in the depths, much like a well-kept secret game in development awaiting its revelation. Pluto’s energy aligns remarkably well with the concept of surprise announcements and shadow-dropping games. Earlier this year, I found that the mysterious influence of Pluto was interwoven in the February direct as well.


Metroid fans have reason to be optimistic (CAUTIOUSLY OF COURSE. We know how it be…) Honestly, from what I can see there are cosmic inclinations that Metroid might be present with the possibility of a teaser for Metroid Prime 4 or the tantalizing prospect of a shadow drop for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Or maybe both. The game’s theme of light and darkness resonates with Pluto’s influence, and Mercury’s connection to duality adds another layer of intrigue.

The potential return of the F-Zero franchise is intriguing. F-Zero GX being released (in North America) in Virgo season is bathed in Virgo energy and is a prime candidate for a revival. Racing games also align with Mercury’s attributes as Mercury rules vehicles. Virgo is known for its precision, and attention to detail. The game’s design and mechanics speak to this. Apparently, (cause I’ve never played it) every aspect of F-Zero GX, from its meticulously crafted tracks to its finely tuned gameplay mechanics, mirrors the Virgo dedication to excellence. The Virgoan perfection reinforces why it’s often regarded as the “greatest video game ever made.” (So yeah…I hope it gets remade cause I wanna play it now hah)

A look at the astrological aspects doesn’t reveal a strong case for Donkey Kong in this directly due to Donkey Kong’s history and astrological influences, including Leo, Scorpio, Mars, and Sun energy. Recently some leakers did hint at something DK-related. I’ll say it could be possible as a holiday-season surprise announcement due to the DK series cycle of being released usually during Scorpio or Sagg season. So hey, anything can happen, there may be a slight possibility for the guy.

The astrology for direct seems to be coming out of left field. It’s looking like they saved their best for last but maybe I’m wrong. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see tomorrow.


Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023 - Nintendo Official Site
Tune in on Sept. 14 at 7 a.m. PT for a Nintendo Direct livestream featuring roughly 40 minutes of information focused…

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"Fuck Around and Find Out "Nintendo Direct Astro Predictions