New Moon in Virgo | The Hypr’Scope

New Moon in Virgo | The Hypr’Scope

A Reemerging Health Crisis, but More Exotic

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about health. Perhaps it’s because the sun is in Virgo and has just made a powerful conjunction with Mercury in Virgo. Regardless, it seems we are on the brink of another health-related saga. This new moon certainly resonates with this sentiment. Today, we’ll delve into the upcoming New Moon in Virgo and explore its potential implications for all of us.

The Sun and Moon at 21 Degrees of Virgo

A new moon occurs when the sun and the moon are conjunct in the sky. This is a time when the moon is not visible, marking the beginning of a new energetic phase. The prevailing vibe for the subsequent two weeks after the new moon (until the full moon) is influenced by this energy — in this case, Virgoan energy. This period will emphasize aspects like learning, establishing new routines, daily tasks and chores, and diligently refining our lives by eliminating clutter. The 21 degrees of Virgo falls into the decan of Taurus, highlighting the importance of sowing seeds and nurturing our projects. This makes the upcoming new moon especially potent for setting intentions that will blossom beautifully by the following full moon in Virgo six months later. Its abundance is further assured because the new moon resides in the degree of Sagittarius, a sign governed by Jupiter, the planet of bounty. This placement also suggests ambitious objectives we are addressing in a methodical, step-by-step manner, commencing with this new moon. This energy can also be profoundly intense and challenging, resonating globally with the rising at 29 degrees of Aquarius and the new moon at 21 degrees speaking to internationalism and the various cultures of the world.

The Ruler of the New Moon in Retrograde. What’s Mercury up to?

During this new moon, Mercury will be retrograde, imprinting this phase with the hallmark of retrograde energy. This might manifest as individuals reverting to established routines rather than forging new ones. Sagittarius speaks to our why, purpose and personal mission. Therefore, many might feel a renewed connection to their core beliefs and objectives, especially after the sun’s recent energizing cazimi with Mercury. However, the retrograde also resurfaces issues we might rather avoid. With Mercury positioned in the 8th house — a domain concerning crisis, deep cleansing, and both psychological and spiritual transformation — and at the 8th Degree of Scorpio, a sign synonymous with profound transformation, this theme is accentuated. Further emphasis comes from Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, which forms a harmonious trine to the new moon. Remember Trines can also point to ease of energy flow and even excess energy, thus, it can make it easier for our enemies to pull their bull**** as well.

The New Moon Trine Pluto, Also in Retrograde

While Pluto in Capricorn’s trine to the new moon can endow individuals with heightened focus and the determination to surmount challenges this cycle might introduce, there’s another side. Whenever we talk about Pluto we are talking about extreme polarity, sort of like Light and Darkness. By itself, the energies of Pluto in Capricorn allude to entrenched structures and authoritative figures powerfully exerting their influence. It’s essential to remember that adversarial forces can harness the same astrological energies as we can. Pluto retrograde falls the collective’s 12th house (at least in the Pacific Northwest)— a realm of blind spots and secret enemies— this trine could empower covert or dark agendas. The retrograde ruler of the new moon (Mercury) suggests these might be disseminated through media. The good news is, we will be able to see it’s the same snake just with shed skin looking more exotic and feigning benevolence even with that 21-degree Saggitarius overlay. The trine to Uranus in Taurus during this time may usher in unexpected events in our personal lives, but adversarial forces might exploit this to disrupt our sense of safety and well-being. Especially considering the new moon’s association with the Taurus decan. Ultimately, this period is a shakeup in an already transitional season that shifts from summer to autumn. It all factors down to what side of the spectrum this energy hits you. (which I poetically touch on in my Lunar Hypr’Scopes in the exclusive MOCA Magazine. I encourage you to subscribe to my membership to access these insights and more.) So remember, sometimes our enemies benefit from the astrology at hand just as much as we do…

New Moon Opposite Neptune and at 21 Degrees of Virgo

Neptune, the planet associated with compassion, artistry, and divine affection, can often blur the lines between reality and illusion, especially when in Opposition. During this time, it’s crucial to harness our spirituality to address challenges but also recognize the limitations of faith alone — indeed, “faith without works is dead.” Neptune also governs elements like toxins, seas, innocence, and bliss. We might witness a surge in hospitalizations or a proliferation of misleading narratives, urging us to harness Virgo and Pisces energies and wield our discernment. With Neptune in Pisces also retrograde, this period might feel like a repeated test of our faith and intuition. A pressing question could be how we regard our physical bodies: Do we cherish and control them, or are we ensnared by the illusion of sovereignty over these sacred vessels? The new moon in the profound 8th house will compel us to confront such questions. Where might we be acquiescing to prevailing narratives merely because they align with “Neptunian” or “Age of Pisces” inclinations?

Overall, this new moon can be quite positive for new beginnings, however, it also brings some unwanted things in true mercurial duality fashion. The Virgo New Moon takes place on September 15, 1:39 AM GMT and as always, will be felt the strongest 3 days before and 3 days after.


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