The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of May 2024 (Hypr'scopes)

*Hypr'scopes only*

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of May 2024 (Hypr'scopes)

12 Signs Hypr'scopes

If you know me, you know I detest doing 12 signs horoscopes and admire people who can sit down and get through all the signs. But, every once in a while, I think it’s important to share when I have the time to, especially since my perspective is immensely valuable. As a part of my wonderful Zol’ciety membership, I’ll be releasing a full breakdown of Jupiter in Gemini for all the signs, so I recommend you join on my website if you are not one of these 3 signs! Today’s lucky ones are the earth signs, here are your 2024-2025 Jupiter in Gemini Hypr’scopes


As Jupiter leaves your rising sign, it kicks off a new 12-year cycle by activating your 2nd house of income, values and self-worth when it enters Gemini. This yearlong transit will challenge you to realign your sense of self with how you make, spend and perceive money. With the curious energy of Gemini's ruler Mercury, expect an influx of ideas around monetizing your skills and building wealth through communication-based ventures.

You may feel inspired to launch that coaching business, start a cooking vlog, write an agriculture book, start a fashion podcast, do freelance consulting or take on jobs that allow you to teach what you know. You might also be faced with shiny "get-rich-quick" distractions or biting off more than you can chew juggling too many side hustles. The key is using Jupiter's abundant blessings to explore income paths that truly resonate with your values and higher purpose. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there marketing your talents - this transit gives you a real gift of gab! Just ensure you back up your words with follow-through.

When Jupiter turns retrograde in October 2024, it will prompt you to re-evaluate your relationship with money and redefine self-worth beyond just material success. This could involve simplifying, downsizing, or focusing on more spiritual and ethical ways of prospering over the next 12 years. Your diet could change and you could try veganism. As the Mercury retrogrades occur over the next year, there will be slight reoccurring themes that elude your current financial system that you’ve built, regardless of the sign the retrograde takes place in. You'll be forced to slow down and re-examine your money-making endeavors through a more thoughtful, purposeful lens. Use both planets’ retrograde periods to reassess which income streams truly align with your values and life path rather than just chasing financial windfalls.


The professional world is your oyster over this next year as expansive Jupiter tours your 10th house of achievements and public image. This cosmic energy provides a boost in visibility, boldness and opportunities for career advancement. You may launch that business you've been dreaming of, get promoted to a leadership position, or step into a role that allows you to have more influence and make your mark on society.

Gemini's scattered dualistic energy will challenge you but use this transit to embrace curiosity, take more risks, and refuse to get trapped in rigid ways of thinking and operating. Don't shy away from putting yourself out there in new arenas - your skills and diligent work ethic will be rewarded! You may have to go through getting too caught up in appearances or upholding a false image that doesn't align with your authentic self (or maybe not now that I’ve warned you.)

When Jupiter turns retrograde in late 2024, you may switch professional trajectories or re-evaluate what "success" means to you. Is it truly about the titles and accolades? This kickstarts a new 12-year cycle of redefining your public role and imprint. As the earth sign ruled by Mercury, you'll be able to harness the Mercury retrograde periods during Jupiter's transit to realign your professional trajectory brilliantly (compared to the other signs anyway. Mercury is the eternal trickster…) Rather than communication delays becoming frustrations, these cosmic pauses provide opportunities to reflect deeply on whether your career still resonates with your core values and innate talents. This will allow you to authentically redefine your aspirations from the inside out over the next year, course-correcting your public roles to shine forth as a “VOTEP”(—voice of the everyday people) for the next 12 years. Oh, If you wanna trademark that be my guest.


Your efficiency, daily routines and approach to work are getting an energizing makeover over this next year as abundant Jupiter dances through your 6th house. This transit provides immense opportunities to upgrade your habits, systems, skills and service-oriented endeavors in ways that enhance productivity and fulfillment. Seriously, this is gonna make working really fun. You may change jobs, dive into new wellness practices, organize your days with more structure or systematize operations in your current roles.

With Jupiter's optimism and Gemini's clever energy, you'll be hungry to gather new information and try approaches that optimize and streamline your efforts. Be VERY careful not to develop the tendency to take on too many new projects or overwhelm yourself in pursuit of perfection. Prioritize flexibility and openness to trying different methods and creating sustainable routines. You could start working with animals or joyously take on the responsibility of owning a pet.

Jupiter goes retrograde in October 2024, so you may need to pause and re-evaluate which habits and approaches are truly serving your long-term wellness, work-life balance and sense of purpose. This transit marks the dawn of a new 12-year cycle of refining your routines, duties, concept of diligence and service. The Mercury retrogrades work a bit more positively now thanks to Jupiter's tour of Gemini and can be helpful for your restructuring process. It can be periods that can help rid you of any slavery-like mentality, or debts you owe. As some miscommunications or delays may still occur in your daily systems and routines, you'll be prompted to analyze what's truly essential and effective. Retrogrades now behave like Neo in The Matrix allowing you to essentially reprogram the flow of your daily life. So use them to simplify, declutter and edit your habits down to what aligns with your evolving values around work, health and service to others.

Happy pretending to understand the universe...
