The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of May 2024

*Uncensored version*

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of May 2024

April was probably the biggest month for astrology in 2024, but that doesn't mean May won't bring its share of potent cosmic impulses. This month brings the end of Jupiter in Taurus, a journey that began back on May 16th, 2023. As we continue into Taurus season, the sun will (and has already started to) highlight Jupiter's importance in our lives. On May 25, it bestows its final blessings on your Taurus-ruled house and moves into the sign of Gemini. Suppose Jupiter happens to be especially important for you (i.e., your activated ruler of the year). In that case, this will be just as important as whatever the "April 20th" events in your life were. Jupiter is beginning a new 12-year cycle in the sign of its detriment position. It's hard for Jupiter to be two-faced like Gemini wants him to be, but it's Jupiter; he has 9,999 1-ups and always lands on his feet, so he'll be fine. But don't be surprised if he shows you the nine 1-ups left at the end of this transit.

With planets in "detriment," they forecast a more challenging energetic period, yes, but it cannot be all that bad, right? Well, in truth, it actually isn't that bad at all; however, it is going to be very social and very exhausting next year or so. Let's get into what you can expect in the 11th hour of Jupiter in Taurus and the meaning of his upcoming epic with the zodiac twins.

Jupiter & Taurus

Where Jupiter goes, opportunities and abundance shower us tempestuously. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, thus, it is all about the bigger picture, the sense of adventure and marvel, and the grander experiences in our lives. It's the planet that gives us things simply because we are children of God, but it also teaches us that too much of a good thing hinders something very important—your purpose. Think about it: most things that come easy are counterproductive to building character. Jupiter teaches us that there is a bigger meaning to what we are experiencing. It teaches us that to accomplish our soul's purpose, we must learn through life experience and obtain higher wisdom. If the TV series is "Jupiter!" starring him in all his glory, then the seasons are none other than the archetypal energy of the twelve signs. Of course, this is a TV series where the main character is usually overpowered (Meliodas is the perfect example of this); in Gemini, though . . . well . . . we'll get to that.

In Season 2, a.k.a. Jupiter in Taurus, one of the things he's been trying to help us become more abundant in is our level of "worthiness" and the value of the process. You see, Taurus is an earth sign, and it's the one that represents the earth at that. Its energy is slow and quite stubborn, which is great when you require stamina or need to be meticulous, but on the flip side, it can lend itself to spending months and months chipping away at the sculpture before you even start to see any sort of results. It can sometimes feel like watching grass grow.

Fortunately, last month's Uranus and Jupiter conjunction just kicked things into overdrive. The delivery is now. The self-love is now. The financial life you desire is now. The relationship you dream of is now. The healing from the chronic illness or depression is now. Everything that still hasn't made its way to you will start to appear within the final Jupiter and Venus cycles, which will begin on May 18 and last until August 12, 2025. If you haven't gotten the Taurean treasures Jupiter promised you by then . . . You've either been robbed, or someone lied to you about your natal chart. (But I can always help you figure that out.)

Jupiter cazimi & Venus conj Jupiter: The gifts you’ve been waiting for

What I'm talking about here are the final aspects Jupiter and Venus (the ruler of Taurus) will make before it leaves the sign of Taurus for good. Last month, Jupiter only made one new cycle with Uranus, but we need to remember Uranus is an outer planet. This month, Jupiter makes two conjunctions with personal planets. This is where we can start to see and feel things on a more intimate level. On May 18th, Jupiter will conjunct the sun. This gives you an everlasting vice grip on your self-confidence and talents. It can bring a windfall of abundance or a new source of joy in our lives. The sun is directly connected to our soul's ultimate mission, so this conjunction is sort of like the A+ you received at the end of the exam, and now you can enjoy the summer. It may come in the form of a new relationship if this is happening in your 7th house, a new social group if it's in your 11th house, or even a beautiful spiritual awakening and connection with your higher self if this occurs in your 12th house.

When a planet is in an exact conjunction with the sun, it's known as a "cazimi." This brings the most elevated abundance and luxurious experiences connected to all things Taurus and all things Jupiter. You can take advantage of the Cazimi window on May 18th. The exact most potent timing occurs at 11:45 AM PST; you have two hours before and after that time. It's a very good time to start studying a language, schedule any kind of knowledge exams, or book a trip if you're looking to do so this month.

Then on May 23rd, Venus will make its conjunction with Jupiter. You could meet someone who will become a mentor and a guide for the next twelve years! If you are looking for a partner, it's an excellent time to go on a date! This is literally the last chance to build this part of your life where these conjunctions are occurring. The important thing to remember during these final moments of Jupiter this month is to slow down, be present, apply everything you've learned, and be open and ready to seize the opportunity. When Jupiter turns retrograde in October 2024, he won't step back into Taurus. The next time he finds himself in your Taurean house will be in eleven-ish or twelve-ish years from now.

Jupiter & Gemini

Jupiter will enter Gemini a couple of days after this, on May 25th. What do we need to know off the bat? Firstly, what house is ruled by Gemini in your chart? Jupiter will be imbuing its optimistic, expansive energy in this house, and depending on your chart, it can be a mix of good and bad things. Next, the dispositor (ruling planet) of Jupiter in Gemini is Mercury, who behaves impartially to things. This is because Mercury is about information; of course, this also means this next year or so will be an information overload. There will be silly attempts to divide people into two groups: gender wars, politics, and artificial sentience debates. Oh, and I say silly because Mercury rules the twins, so in every attempt to claim how different we are, we will be shown how we are the same. Mercury is considered to be an incarnation of Pluto in Messianic astrology, so it takes us through a vanilla version of the extremity of human experience, which is duality: "Blue is for boys, pink is for girls." "I love cookie dough ice cream; it's the best!" "No way, birthday cake is the ultimate flavor," and blah blah. Mercury energy is the method by which we forge our divine souls as earthly humans in male and female beings. In this way, we are meant to understand how to integrate masculine and feminine energy. You could say Mercury is a crash course on life, but being an incarnation, it's just a watered-down Pluto for chumps.

A key thing Jupiter in Gemini will do is always bring things in sets of twos: sequels should be or anything labelled the "2nd edition" of something should do particularly well. Lots of themes of duplicating work or cloning. It also brings loads of fun and flirtation. There can be a mass movement of people from one place to another, social systems implemented that spark debates, different modes of transportation, smaller communities and 15-minute cities (check out my article on that here), sexuality, gender debates, and bi-curiosity. It can also improve industries like comedy and revolutionize others like literature and gaming. In AI, I expect Google's Gemini to be a prominent force by the end of this transit.

Jupiter and Mercury also both rule travel and the travel industry, so an astrocartography hack from me to supercharge this transit is to visit, travel, or do business with a positive Mercury line or even better if you can move to a place that puts Gemini as one of your angles. I'll be releasing my Mercury line breakdown shortly, so stay tuned for that. Now, most astrologers may not be privy to this, but because Jupiter is at the command of his ruler Mercury, this transit will expand on Mercury's retrogrades, making them a little more unusual and unpredictable than normal. In some ways, this could be brilliant because it allows him recess breaks to behave more like himself. How? One school of thought as to why Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini is because it's not able to be great and expand like normal; Gemini's energy is too unfocused and fast. It's sort of like Jupiter with allergies. Remember, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and in evolutionary astrology, Sagittarius is a sign that uses the focus it learns from Scorpio to be able to masterfully hit the bullseye. Mercury's retrogrades for the next year can act as an antidote or elixir rather (pun intended) for the detrimental sneeze fest plaguing Jupiter, allowing it to slow down and relish in what it loves: finding the purpose in the scattered puzzle pieces. The retrogrades go from annoying to being treasured as eye-of-the-storm moments.

Jupiter in Gemini Concerning Artificial Intelligence…

Right off the bat, Jupiter will be in a trine to Pluto as soon as it enters Gemini. (Wait, what? Yay!) Pluto just moved into Aquarius earlier this year and is set to go retrograde into Capricorn one last time. Pluto in Aquarius is a big factor when discussing artificial intelligence, but so is Jupiter in Gemini. As we talked about, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is one of the ancient planets of technology. When you think about it, AI needs two things to function: DATA or INFORMATION (Mercury/Gemini) and ELECTRICITY (Uranus/Aquarius). However, if you've been following my newsletter "AIchemy," you know that Saturn and Uranus are the activated rulers for this year. So although this year does hold major technology advancements (at this rate, every year does), Jupiter's influence is relatively minor in this specific year of Jupiter in Gemini's journey.

Gemini rules the 6th house in AstroAI. What many people are not talking about is that Jupiter will be retrograde when this trine to Pluto happens. This is likely to bring an expansion of service-based AI - super-powered Siris and Alexas. Indeed, it is the year of AI agents. The retrograde suggests an expansion of things we already know and laying the groundwork for AI to be intricately implemented in our daily lives and social realms. It almost feels like a year of revision for AI, one that is quiet and unassuming, and reinforces the Pluto in Capricorn AI framework for what's to come. From a glance, May, June, July, and August 2025 seem to be the biggest months for AI next year.

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Gemini: Jupiter in Detriment vs Apollonian Mars

Since we touched on Pluto, I think a deeper Messianic conversation is important contextual information here. Astrologer and Intuitive Healer, Adrienne Elise describes Jupiter's energy as "a crystal." When it's in Gemini, it's just as much on our side as it is on the side of darkness. Jupiter in Gemini will both magnify trickery and the lengths to which darker forces will go to expand on trivial things, eliciting more ignorance in people. But he'll also catalyze people into the wisdom of the Mercurial phase, which is the 2nd evolutionary phase where Mars and Venus (that's us) fight to gain greater awareness of themselves, existence/reality, and their power/birthright.

Gemini is the sign where Mars achieves his evolutionary dignity called:

HYPERNOVIC (or also known as APOLLONIAN)

To be brief, the Hypernovic evolution origin story goes:

Mars meets his "twin flame" or "Venusian counterpart." A chrysalis forms in a kind of "solar nuclear fusion" similar to a supernova. The feminine aspect is integrated fully, and the Mars soul evolves into its full divine masculinity wisdom and stature. He is thus both divine masculine and feminine. That's the gist of it, but I'm still uncovering more details about this in both Mars and Venus's evolutionary stories, which Jupiter's transit will help me greatly with.

Spiritually, what does all this mean for us and our evolution? Through a childlike curiosity and stewardship of our divine polarity existing as that twin in every one of us, Jupiter in Gemini will begin to unshackle a lot of souls from the 1st phase of Mars and Venus. The 2nd phase is where one begins to contend with the illusion of choosing their egoic self or God. It requires a lot of patience to learn discernment and how to differentiate the subtle inconsistencies in the human perception of God and the true experience of God within. The origin stories of Mercury's incarnations teach us that evolution is a Messianic diet of light or Christ energy, and sometimes, you get fed false light... this is the realm of the Mercurial stage. We usually can gauge where our collective evolution is with the north and south nodes by recognizing how these Mercurial phase individuals are loved or persecuted by humanity when they appear on the world's stage.

The world will experience fleeting moments where it's as if we are catapulted into this Hypernovic stage, the starting stage in the 3rd and final evolutionary phase; it shares parallels with the Age of Aquarius. These states can be observed in gurus and visionary teachers like Rudolf Steiner, but we're all meant to reach this state. After this, the other two states (the Messianic and Prismatic) don't appear to be achievable in our current physical paradigm.

There are 3 states in the Mercurial phase that we'll be bouncing around while Jupiter is in Gemini. Evolution is at a snail's pace, so one day it's as if the world feels utopian, and the next, chaos...
