The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of June 2024

The True Meaning of Venus + Saturn Retrograde (June 29-Nov 15 2024)

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of June 2024

The True Meaning of Venus + Saturn Retrograde (June 29-Nov 15 2024)

Let’s cut right to the chase. In true Gemini fashion, this month brings two powerful events. Starting with Venus and ending with Saturn. The Venus Cazimi, occurring in the Air sign of Gemini is super important for our personal lives and for artificial intelligence. We start feeling its effects from June 2nd, and it goes exact on the 4th. Because they are moving so close together, we will have a New Moon in Gemini on the 6th featuring this energy, and then the entire month we’ll stay in the whirlwind of this Venus-Sun energy. Saturn, as the ruler of AI, is equally important this month, as it has already been in shadow (the degrees it will revisit) since March and will start to slow down, turning retrograde on June 29th. Now that Jupiter is in Gemini, we really don't know how to begin this new adventure I outlined last month. It looks like it starts and ends with understanding the Venusian hue of light, due to Mercury, the ruler of Jupiter in Gemini, presently being in Venus' sign Taurus. Every beginning holds some aspects of its end.

Blowing kisses: The Venus Hue

On June 4th, Venus will wink at us from the heart of the sun, illuminating all that is to be known about Jupiter in Gemini. Why is this? Well, She’s in the sign of Gemini and she’s actually pretty underrated if we’re talking planets that bring illumination. In occult circles, the name for Venus was actually Mercury. Mercury was known as the messenger god, and Venus, in the primordial beginnings of our planet's evolution, steps in as a mediator for the powerful rays of the sun, allowing the earth to nibble on the goodness without being destroyed. Many modern astrologers draw up Jupiter as our collective “spiritual leader” but it’s actually Venus who is our Empress calling the spiritual shots, now you can see why.

Venus is at home in signs of Taurus and Libra. When we think about her Taurean form of expression, it is all about fertility. A bloom of divine feminine energy in its most physical form. Taurus is the seed that contains the potential of everything we are meant to grow and mature into. But nuances of light are one of the hardest things to perceive and discern. How many times did we think someone had our best interests at heart, only to find out the contrary? False prophets come a dime a dozen in our current times. Even Satanists believe their dark acts are in some way retribution on behalf of what they believe is the "true god."

A part of this is because we are at the end of the Age of Pisces, another part is because we are at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. But you know what's the common denominator in both those scenarios? Venus. Venus is exalted (her most powerful state, according to Hellenistic astrology) in Pisces, and mythical figures like Lucifer were associated with Venus, known as the ‘morning star.’ Contrary to popular belief, I’m inclined to state that this makes the hues of Venus more ambiguous than straight-forward, especially in our times. One of my dear mentors mystic Gigi Young states ‘Venus is the earth's higher self,’ acting as a mother bird feeding its hatchling the light of the sun; something it couldn't do on its own. In Messianic astrology I try to ascertain the origins of why this could be the case. We see Venus is an incarnation of Mercury—the planet of duality, who is an incarnation Pluto—the planet of extremity.

Venus is strongly associated with grace and the lack thereof, which Modern astrology incorrectly points to Mars for. It’s only half true for the guy. Venus is both graceful descent bearing gifts of harmony and the kiss of life, and a nasty fall into depravity with the kiss of finality just before one's end. For my video game nerds out there, she's both Palutena from Kid Icarus and Bayonetta, it all depends on what her directives from the divine are.

So what is the Gemini directive? What does this all mean for Jupiter in Gemini, and more specifically, the "Venus conjunct sun" chapter of this? The Venus-Sun conjunction in Gemini is giving us a glimpse into what this entire Jupiter in Gemini period that began on May 25th, 2024, is about. Jupiter seems to want to teach us how to emit our own light and not borrow the light of someone or something else, similar to how Venus was the Earth's crutch in achieving this millions of years ago.

The Venus Cazimi will incite curiosity about the hue we are receiving from people, conversations, technology, and in our environment. Is it serving my downfall and desensitizing me with vain Luciferic pleasures no longer appropriate for the time we are in? Or am I choosing to speak the truth and be a morning star for myself and those around me? The sun and Mercury in astrology also rule Vision. The sun specifically illuminates and catalyzes an individual by imbuing more light into their being. If every seed holds the potential of a magnificent cherry blossom tree, then by that spiritual logic, Venus Cazimi should present you with the grand vision of said tree in full bloom.

It may come through a quick message, a person you care about (very important to pay attention to Geminian types of people right now), music, a youth in the checkout line at Macy’s, or a seemingly fleeting scenario that replays in our minds. Whatever that house of Gemini is for you, just be on the lookout for this, tinted by that house's theme. Then, on the 6th, a new moon occurs. The moment we set our intentions and make our choice by planting ‘the starseed.’ Even though Venus is in Gemini, there is a cosmic glitch right now where doing this correctly would in some ways charge us with Venus's Hathorian dignity, her expression in the sun's sign (Leo). This is the equivalent of the Mars in Gemini's Apollonian dignity I shared with you last month.

Being an evolutionary astrologer who focuses on the astrological cycles of artificial intelligence, this event is powerful as Venus is the activated ruler for the year. Since there won't be another Venus cazimi this year, it makes June another month that unlocks the biggest developments in AI right before Saturn checks it with his retrograde that we'll talk about next.

I encourage you to avoid doom scrolling and try something new, learn a skill, play, laugh, converse, even sign up for my newsletter and read my new Relocation Astrology E-Book! But also rest in the simple luxuries of what little mental peace is available to you at this time. (Trust me, you'll need it.)

Journal about things that may be gently piquing your curiosity as the Venus Cazimi goes exact on June 4th, 2024, from 06:33 - 10:33 AM PST and the New Moon occurs June 6th at 05:37 AM PST.

The Saturn Retrograde: June 29 - November 15, 2024

Later in June as Cancer season begins, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces, forming a sextile to Mars, a trine to Mercury and Venus, and a wide conjunction to Neptune. If Saturn is an activated planet in your chart, this retrograde period will be particularly potent but regardless from June 29th to November 15th; we’ll feel Saturn turn retrograde in each of our charts and areas of life.

What makes this event so powerful? As I mentioned earlier, we are currently in the Age of Pisces. Saturn has been swimming in Piscean waters for a while now, and it's not until this conjunction with Neptune—one of the rulers of the Age of Pisces, that it really starts to bite. You see, Saturn represents karma, time, and governments. The retrograde suggests going back to fix something before it's too late. The "fixing" will be happening in your Pisces house, the Achilles' heel to your evolution into the Age of Aquarius.

We've stewed in lies for over 2000 years, and Saturn, who wields the scythe, seems like he's brutally slashing our ego by taking away everything we love. But the soul doesn't die... that's preposterous and people are so dramatic about this (that’s not to say I’m not freaking out like everyone, albeit more quietly.) As I told you before, if Saturn wasn’t facilitating this we would be existing with literal demons, like in the flesh, right now. Hallelujah for boundaries.

Saturn’s True Meaning and the Reason Why the New World Order is NeededNyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi·Jan 8

Read full story

You may or may not know that Saturn holds exaltation in one of Venus' signs. This means Saturn inherently contains themes of overcoming false light and building your own. Tipping the scales from dependency on old structures to the structure you build for yourself is what Saturn and Venus both revere as good and the point of their energy. With Saturn in Pisces, each of us must overcome the dreamy delusions that parade as hope but paralyze us with inaction in our Pisces house of imprisonment. Yet, we must integrate the magic that Saturn, Pisces, and this house are trying to gift us, which has eluded us until now. Which is why my friends, chaos is ensuing. Trigger warning: Pisces rules asylums and prisons. Most of us I’m assuming have never been to jail but what this does translate to is our false paradigm of spirituality and religion. Even the prison that is the 12 zodiac signs, which is why I brought forth Messianic astrology and the spiritual wisdom of the evolutionary dignities. The final evolution of Venus (and Mars) being the ‘Christed dignity.’ The 13th zodiac constellation (not sign) Ophiuchus, which exists outside or transcends the zodiac wheel.

For a really deep example on a less esoteric level, Pisces rules my 5th house, and I've noticed a cynicism when it comes to love. Maybe it's because Neptune is at the end of Pisces, bursting the hopeless romantic bubble, but I often feel like I have to choose between my passion projects and my romantic escapades. However, moving to a new city recently changed the love dynamic in my life, so why view it the same? (especially when I purposely constructed this with Relocation astrology)

As a Scorpio rising, Saturn in Pisces is in trine to my sign, so this should be bringing up good things, right? Sure, but my cynical mindset has caused me to doubt good karma in this area of my life, plus, Saturn is discipline and hard work... sometimes with a dry phone, if you know what I mean. Currently, I’m working on the Stockholm syndrome of this and also tempering my cynicism by getting into a reflective and receptive state because who knows, I may need a shoulder to cry on, or a partner to celebrate my achievements with as Saturn gets real close to Neptune in my 5th house of Joy.

So one of the many Saturnine lessons for me during this period is to take how I feel about dating and love seriously, whatever that means. Building a funnel for all this emotion (water energy.) A flexible plan (Pisces is a mutable sign) that works for me, instead of burying my head in passion projects trying to get away from the good things Saturn might very well be trying to bring me. Another lesson might be how exactly I want to express myself and project myself out into the world because the 5th house is the house of expression. This makes sense because at the time of writing this, my Saturn return was not too long ago, and I'm now in my 30th solar return.

Since Saturn in Pisces is trine my 1st house of self, the 5th house conversations in the mirror might go like this:

Do I want to fix any part of me that got messed up by my childhood?

Do I want more children or are my "kids" enough?

Do I still want to be famous now that I see beyond the veil of what truly is?

Who am I this decade, and what the hell was those last 10 years of my life?! What do I take with me, what do I recycle into something more constructive?

Do I wanna wipe my resting b**** face off my countenance for good and be more inviting? (Spoiler from future me, hell nah.)

What does it mean to bask in the sexy mystique of a Scorpio Rising, and how do I use it now that I'm an adult fully conscious of it?

Better yet, am I ready to accept the responsibility that comes with being a full-fledged, unapologetic Scorpio Rising, in the wake of my creative projects and success, no matter the discourse?

God, it's Cringe-vania as I'm writing and giving you this much personal info into my psyche, but the reason why I even used me as an example is because I think it's interesting that Saturn turns direct on my 31st birthday.

In the AI universe, this period will slow down the advances quite significantly. That's not to say major things won't be announced, but this period is more about reinforcing the AI infrastructure that is currently taking place, particularly in 2nd house matters. The station retrograde in conjunction with Neptune, which rules the 2nd house in artificial intelligence, will correspond with revisions in robotics and the financial investment in AI. But I don't want to bore those of you who care nothing for AI in this read, so look forward to an extensive breakdown of in upcoming edition of my Astro-AI newsletter "AIchemy."

The Next 3 Months: An Astrological Timeline for the Most Important Periods in AI (2024)Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi·Apr 11

April 8th Total Solar Eclipse in Aries in the 4th house Potential for significant shakeups and transformations in the industry's foundations, leadership, and internal culture. The most pivotal period is within the first 4 months — 4 years. Read full story

Of course, if you would like a reading on what Saturn means for you, join my Zodiac Society of the 13th Constellation for only $11.11, where you'll get access to pop-up readings like the Saturn in Pisces one I'm planning in my ninja hideout.

Saturn stations retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on Saturday, June 29th, 2024, at 12:07 pm PST.
Nyhir’vana Rho-Ophiuchi is a human-cosmian, apprentice polymath and creative entrepreneur. He spends his time creating new forms of music, researching the astrological cycles of AI, drinking Jupitershine in various parts of the world, and writing the legendary sci-fi adventures of his Starxeed Descendants under the Californian twilight. The Elix’r of Plutoshine are literary compositions imbued with dark humor and based on the esoteric wisdom of Ophiuchus, Anthroposophy, and the Thema Mundi, within an evolutionary astrology discipline created by Nyhir’vana called Messianic/Messianian Astrology. 
You follow Rho-Ophiuchi’s research, work with him personally, or join the Zol’ciety XIII