Happy New Year! Get ready for a strategic, rageful level-up starting January 27, 2024

Photo by Tanja Zöllner on Unsplash

Okay okay, so this might technically be considered the second most powerful conjunction this month, but to make a case for Mars, it is the planet of “overt power.” On January 27th, 2024, we will get the (2nd) most powerful astrological event of 2024, ala Mercury Conjunct Mars. Mercury and Mars are starting a new cycle, and they are on the same Capricornian page. The conjunction takes place at exactly 17 degrees, 17 minutes in sign of Capricorn. So let’s examine this…

Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, trade, short commutes and learning. Our boy Mars is the planet of war, aggression, instinct, irritation, sexuality, and fun fact, is one of the ancient rulers of technology. Mercury and Mars both have an association with speed so we can expect to see a surge of news in the media that contain all these themes. Depending on how you are developing and what this is doing in your chart, it can be happening to you, or you’ll notice it’s adjacent to you in your surroundings. The conjunct will be making a square to the North Node in Aries, which is another indicator of technological advancements.

This is also the first Mercury-Mars conjunction that is taking place while Pluto is in Aquarius, really speaking towards the unfoldment process we are all witnessing with the age of Aquarius. As early as January 8th (interesting because this year in numerology is a number 8 year) Mercury will start to engage Mars. One of the things this will bring about as we get closer to Jan 27th is a surge of truth with people (Aquarius) and organizations (Capricorn) coming to light that bring division and anger. This combination however is also great for putting its foot square in your ass if you’ve been lacking motivation lately. Personally, the square to the North Node might push you to become angry about your current direction in life and because Capricorn is one of the cardinal signs that takes initiative; you will begin to push towards self-mastery with Martian ferocity in the Capricorn area of your chart.

Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

For example: If this is happening in your 3rd house, then you can experience the drive to boss up mentally. You could take on a new educational pursuit, maybe one involving something surrounding AI or Technology. Maybe you become frustrated at the lack of certain types of programs in your neighbourhood and so you could be starting a series of workshops in your local area.

If this is happening on your angles (the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) then something significant and instrumental can come about, whether that be new information or some kind of new job/responsibility that causes the foundations of your life to take a turn.

You will most likely start to see what it will center around from Jan 7th-Jan 11th when the sun and the moon go over the 17th degrees of Capricorn that’s indicated here.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Mercury-Mars Conjunction is also squaring Chiron, which is an asteroid associated with healing, awkwardness, shame, guilt, and our wounds. A confrontational energy is present that will ask us to look at our wounds. It may become extremely apparent how governmental institutions or persons in authority in your life hinder you from achieving your full potential. There is a tenderness during this period and people can feel easily wounded. Throughout January, it is imperative that address your own Chiron placement and start doing work (if you haven’t already) to get rid of the shame and guilt you feel. Odds are, someone or something will poke at it this month to see if these things still bother you. With Chiron, know that the goal is not to completely eradicate the awkwardness we feel, but to minimize the Chironic feels that are severely detrimental to our progress. Chiron’s energy can sometimes almost be like a teenager hyperfocused on ridding their acne. You don’t want to be so obsessed with removing it that you end up making your face worse, to the point that now you really can't go outside.

Lastly, it feels correct to expect some big news with the World Economic Forum.

Jan 27th’s Mercury-Mars Conjunct triggering the 9th house of WEF

As you know I like to keep my foot on thier astrological neck and this event is occurring in their 9th house in conjunction with their natal Mercury (information) and their MC (public reputation) on the dangerous degree I talked about in my 15-minute city article.

Astrologically Violated: The Futuristic 15-Minute City
Are 15-minute cities destined to become the ghettos for the “Own nothing, Be Happy” world citizens?

WEF has experienced Solar Returns in conjunction to all the planets, even it’s ruler modern Uranus. This year on Jan 24, a couple of days leading up to the Mercury-Mars conjunction is will mark their first Solar return with the Sun in conjunction to Pluto in Aquarius. This means that their year will have the seasoning of this Mercury-Mars energy as well.

The solar return chart indicates what themes will be important over the coming year and it is one of the longest standing astrological methods of prediction. The themes in the solar chart can usually be felt one or two months before a person’s birthday. — https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Solar_Return_Chart

It’s also a moment in time where the countdown to 2025 when this conjunction will go exact, and 2026 when specifically their solar return year from 2026–2027 will have this powerful conjunction. Pluto is another ruler of power, covert power, and the Sun will expose everything hidden in the darkness. “Extremely important” is an understatement for whatever the World Economic Forum is doing in these next couple of years, but that’s another conversation so I digress.

WEF’s 2024 Solar Return with the company’s very first Sun-Pluto Conjunction in Aquarius

Before Mercury and Mars start a new cycle again later in 2025, they will make an opposition in Jan 2025, almost a year from their 2024 conjunction date. (and a day before the WEF’s 2025 Solar Return activation) It’s then, in true saturnine fashion, that we’ll be rewarded for our efforts accordingly and to see just what our collective efforts (or lack thereof) in holding our governments accountable will yield. It’s important to use this powerful energy wisely as it is another one that sets you up for the rest of the year.


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The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of January 2024