The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of February 2024

7 Things to understand about this year’s life-changing Aquarius/Pisces Season

The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of February 2024

7 Things to Understand About This Year’s Life-Changing Aquarius/Pisces Season

Photo by Siddhant Kumar on Unsplash

ure, I could just say the two planets of power — Mars and Pluto — making their conjunction is February’s most powerful event. Or maybe the most powerful is Venus finally making a conjunction with Mars, days after making a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, and after an “almost connection” last year. Or we could investigate the triple conjunction happening a day before February 29. But I thought this month would be perfect to talk about it all. February is a leviathan of a month, so covering all the astrology would be something like a 3+ hour ordeal, but I thought I could condense it to the most important parts (well, based on my analysis of the month). Note: We aren’t going to talk about each conjunction, but rather 7 facts about why some of these conjunctions add up to pretty much make the Sun in Aquarius (or Aquarius season in general) the most powerful astrological event of February. (You’re welcome). Since we’re already deep into the season, let’s not waste any more time.

Here are 7 of the most important things to know about Aquarius season 2024:

1. There Are 7 (Well, 8) Conjunctions and All Planets Are Direct This Month

This speaks for itself. So many conjunctions mean so many new things are starting to be seeded in everyone’s lives, which means there has to be a clearing away of the old for the new to take root. Which means a powerful month; there’s no way around it. This is good because I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some serious real change in my life. There’s Mercury Conjunct Pluto (which happened a couple of days ago), a new moon on Feb. 9, and Mars Conjunct Pluto on Valentine’s Day. Venus will conjunct Pluto, Venus will conjunct Mars, the Sun Conjunct Saturn and Mercury Conjunct Saturn. Oh, and Mercury cazimi, which is the Sun Conjunct Mercury, so I guess that’s 8.

2. It’s a Leap Year…Which Means an Incoming Quantum Shift

Photo by Andreas Kind on Unsplash

2020, 2024, 2028, and 2032: what do these all have in common? Well, they are all leap years. Yes, you saw that number correctly; 2020 was a leap year. At the end of 2020 in February, I remember starting a new security job. Apart from the obvious going on in the world, it was a year I also (sorta?) fell in love. I was rebranding my music and brand as an artist. And I surely can’t forget that I went through a crazy spiritual awakening. It was the year Toronto became unbearable for me, and a year later, I moved away for the first time from my hometown.

It’s super interesting that leap years happen in Pisces season. It furthers the notion that just when you think everything is straightforward in reality, it’s not. Time is not linear. The various conceptual understandings of the Earth we have come to agree on are actually very malleable. My friend Ariela and I had a convo last week. We talked about how the only real rule that is yet to be dethroned is…change. Pisces is a sign that often erodes everything away as if the thing in question never even existed. Like it was only a dream… Four years prior, 2016 was also a leap year that catapulted me into so many different life-changing moments. Interestingly, I had my first little trickles of spiritual awakening around that time as well and I started diving deeper into astrology. Before that, I was so surface you would have been embarrassed for me. I was like “Yay. Team Scorpio. We’re deep and sexy.” SMH. It was also the year I landed my first-ever leading role as “Sweaty Eddie” in the musical Sister Act in my hometown. A couple of years after that, I also worked at the CN Tower, where it would go on to be one of the best jobs I’ve ever had, all while I was having an identity crisis and going through some of the hardest personal relationship battles and love lessons that I probably will ever face in my life. You see, a day before the leap year in 2016, the Sun and Neptune Formed a Conjunction at the 9th degree.

(The day before Leap Day 2016)

When the Sun and Neptune make a conjunction it can be a highly spiritual, highly creative time. You also awaken into the truth of whatever bubble you’ve been living in. The character for my first theatre leading role that I would go on to play that year was a character that had self-confidence issues, and the musical was about nuns (Pisces rules religions, especially Catholicism and Christianity). Very Piscean. It was a role that burst me onto the scene and subsequently out of the funk and heartbreak I was in due to events in my personal life. “Fame” was also a topic that seemed to be a the forefront of my life and the Sun-Neptune energetic signature seemed to have painted the next four years for me, until 2020 when I completely fell into oblivion and one simple truth hit me: Everything I knew about everything I was and wanted was a lie. (Neptune)

Do you have planets around 9 degrees? Think back to 2020 and more importantly 2016. But 2016 was with a Neptunian signature. In 2024, we have Mercury and Saturn’s energy for this leap year. We could be in for a new 4-year period with the things I’m about to talk about next.

3. The “999” Triple Conjunction

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

So this conjunction happens in Pisces. This conjunction consists of both Mercury and Saturn at the heart of the sun. They will all be simultaneously at nine degrees. While this happens on February 28, the 29 is still imprinted with this energy and the subsequent four years until the next leap year. So this can be the start of a new four-year mini-cycle going on in your life in the Pisces area of your chart. It could involve anything that has been a barrier physically or mentally (with Mercury’s involvement). Things that were blocking you from expressing yourself, finding like-minded individuals, even the struggle of life — it’s suggested that this could all be ramping up to a finale by 2028, the next leap year.

In 2028, the North Node will be right at one degree Aquarius. This is the universe’s way of saying that 2024–2028 is only the first step into the Age of Aquarius, and not even a full step at that because of Jupiter, the leap year’s ruler. Jupiter’s retrograde energy during that time suggests a slower pace in the evolution into this age. Uranus, the ruler of Pluto in Aquarius and the ruler of the Age of Aquarius, will have just stationed direct around approximately February 12, 2028. Meaning that for the whole month of February and the leap year of 2028, Uranus is pretty much standing still in the sky just recently finishing up a retrograde and working out kinks in our progress in the Age of Aquarius. Neptune, however — the co-ruler of every leap year — will have changed signs into Aries by then, another sign about pioneering and the most inexperienced sign of the zodiac.

The 9th degree in astrology is governed by Sagittarius, the wisdom seeker, but Sagittarius is also half man, half animal — a chimera. It’s a reminder that you can and will be stuck in your own kind of “uncompleted state” if you mess around. It also cautions you to seek higher knowledge for these next few years that is both practical and spiritual. This degree challenges us to use temperance and morality in our undertakings because there will be challenges to fall into a lower nature. I remind you that while Uranus rules artificial intelligence and AI on a grand scale, Sagittarius is one of the signs that rules our current or more immediate phases of AI. This “999” triple conjunction specifically tells me that in this Pisces area, we are individually and collectively coming to a completion with our current paradigm of things. Which brings me to #4.

4. The Oblivion of the Piscean Age Is in Full Effect

Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

As I wrote in my second-ever published article:

For approximately 2,100 years humankind has come to develop a collective “Piscean” reality. Concepts of:
Loss of identity
Finding peace/happily ever after
is what we have collectively deemed synonymous with who we are and what existence is because of the prior brutal and violent Age of Aries before “Christ.” Neptune’s reign (Pisces’ modern planetary ruler) brought an age of light and darkness but also light as darkness and darkness as light. Because the Age of Pisces is ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter, there was a constant struggle and blurring of lines between TRUTH vs. FICTION. This, (in my opinion) will cause some people to be — at least temporarily — “lost in the sauce” in the Age of Pisces.

That sure aged well…We are now in a hyperbolic state of all of these themes. And February makes the intensity of this especially potent. When the sun is in Aquarius and Pisces, the volume on the amp is tuned up and we are shown exactly this in a way that is impossible to escape or ignore.

Check out my full article on these insights.
I’m glad I’m not one of these Six Zodiac Men That May Experience The Worst Age of Aquarius…
Spoiler alert: the final sign on the list is a huge plot twist.

5. “Promethean Mars” Meets Venus

Photo by Christian Paul Stobbe on Unsplash

So Mars in Aquarius in Messianian Astrology is “Mars Perfected” or what I also call “Promethean.” Messianian Astrology is much of a cosmic, spiritual, mythic even, perspective of Astrology but it’s also very scientific and centers around the theme of evolution, primarily the evolution of the sun. So at its foundation is Evolutionary Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, a bit of Cosmogenesis, and Anthroposophy — a form of spiritual science that was cultivated by Rudolf Steiner. But most primarily it focuses on the most relevant incarnations to, and of us: Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto.

Of course, I’m still uncovering things about Messianic/Messianian Astrology, and nothing will be concrete until my book comes out (sometime in 2025/2026) in its entirety on the subject matter, but Mars and Venus here are viewed as Mercury’s Divine Masculine and Feminine Incarnations, and Mercury is Pluto’s incarnation. And Pluto? Pluto is the Sun’s incarnation.

In Aquarius, Mars’ (or the Mars Soul/Divine Masculine’s) past life and future become visible as two timelines. Mars energy is split into two factions (the symbol of Aquarius) becoming experimental, futuristic, and develops science, but also a hypermaterialistic distorted science. The two brotherhoods (light and dark brotherhood) of Mars engage in a war of ascension but of course, they do it through different means, and the world (us humans) feels both the beneficial and its unfortunate effects. Both groups pose as the light bearer, one brings the false or forceful “light” of science and worships this, and the other is the true light bearer (similar to the mythos of Prometheus bringing the flame to mankind.) We can see this as well with Uranus’ astrological symbol that looks like Mars with the sun in the center.

♂ (Mars)
⛢ (Uranus)

6. The AI Timeline

Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

As I relayed earlier, Sagittarius is the sign that rules our current phases and immediate cycles of AI, and thus Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) is the planetary ruler. To clarify, this is due to the “centaur” quality of the sign. It’s able to tap into its own wild, adventurous nature. It’s Jupiter’s sign that has to ability to ground knowledge and inject purpose into bigger concepts and invisible things like scientific ideas (Uranus). This year Jupiter also happens to be the “Activated Timelord of AI,” so it’s active and even more important than it would typically be in other years.

When the sun goes into Pisces, followed shortly after by the triple conjunction, this is a powerful cycle that starts while Jupiter is strongly active. What does this mean for AI? Well, for one it’s an expansion for our minds but it speaks volumes to the next four years of AI development. It’s quite possible that there could be significant quantum leaps that surpass several current limitations in technology within the next 4 years alone.

7. Plus, a New Moon in Aquarius During All of This…


The moon is the most personal of all the personal planets because of its association with subjectivity, the past, roots, one’s unconscious nature, and in a broader, evolutionary sense, karma. It’s maybe even more personal than the sun, although that is debatable. This new moon is the first one while Pluto is in Aquarius. Last year Pluto was still in Capricorn. So this upcoming lunar two-week period is perhaps the clearest preview of what Pluto’s 20-year transit of Aquarius means for you… Personally. The full moon happens on August 19. So those are the two time periods you should be looking at to get the most visceral feel and preview into what Pluto’s evolutionary impulse of divine will is trying to transform and align in your life. Both the new moon on Feb. 9 and full moon on Aug. 19 are square Uranus. Again… The “9”s are popping up. Uranus at 19 for the new moon and Uranus at 27 for the full moon. Add in my small knowledge of numerology and:

2+7= 9.


Rho Ophiuchi
This channel researches and documents the correlation between Astrology and the Artificial intelligence/Technology industry…