The Dumb Blonde Moment That Is Apple Intelligence

It be like: “Girl, you cute, but you also not slick” *side smile* (AIchemy Exclusive)

The Dumb Blonde Moment That Is Apple Intelligence

It be like: “Girl, you cute, but you also not slick” side smile

*The following article is an AIchemy Newsletter Exclusive. To read these weekly articles consider subscribing to the free newsletter

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In the words of the great Sun Tzu:

All warfare is based on deception.

I’ve discussed before how we are in “The Great War of the AI Gods.” On Monday, (again with these Mondays) Apple revealed their first foray into the world of AI with Apple Intelligence, but they chose not to enter the war with all their might. Could it be that they are hiding something more powerful? In my opinion, the technology world is always hiding something more powerful. That could be because it’s ruled by Saturn and Uranus, the dichotomy of innovation and tradition. Or that could just be my cynical, unimpressed mind. Now that Jupiter is in Gemini, forming a trine to Pluto and soon to make squares to Saturn, it is imperative for the rollout of AI to be light so as not to scare people into chaos. This is good. It works for everybody. The greedy venture capitalists, the people who are slow to adopt societal changes, and the people who have a million and one things to do rather than constantly be on the internet because some new breakthrough model just broke.

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Some things we should be expecting and quite frankly are already seeing are:
-“Mondays” becoming noteworthy for significant AI news.
-An advancement, fascination, or perversion with AI breasts.
-AI helping uncover childhood memories, past-life memories, or lost memories in general.
-A link between fairytale stories, lullabies and AI.

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If AI is going to stick, it needs to be infused into our lives, not thrust upon us. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of air 🜁, where things need to remain open and have a sense of freedom. The problem is air energy is the most ideal to invite falsity. Gemini’s talking salesman energy will talk circles around you until you just buy the damn AI gadget with subpar capabilities. Libra energy avoids the real, uncomfortable conversations that need to be had until it’s in fashion to do so—opinions become incentivized. And Aquarius energy is highly crucifiable for its contradictions in a world that demands you pick a side. This highly volatile and mutable air 🜁 dynamic is what we ultimately will have to encounter when dealing with the AI industrial revolution.

Do you ever just stop and think about Apple as a symbol? It represents so many things: knowledge, secrets, women, and more specifically Eve. It’s ruled by Venus and usually red, which can correspond to the root chakra, our lowest energy center that represents safety, security, primal instincts, and temptations. It’s a seductive fruit, clearly, because billions of people are Apple users. OpenAI is more and more revealing themselves as Lucifer in the Garden of Eden myths (and Emperor Lucifer Heavensthunder in my upcoming novel And The Sun Was Falling…) This however is not necessarily bad. But are we going to be the proverbial dumb blonde that was Eve (no disrespect; she literally didn’t know any better)

Gemini is the first of the air signs and very much the D.B.E (dumb blonde energy) of the zodiac. This energy is perfect to distract or disarm someone. The very ability to think, “Hey, let’s play dumb to get what I want.” With everything we’ve evolved to be, I’d like to believe we are intelligent enough to maneuver Apple’s intelligence plays, but it’s actually not about intelligence. More and more, we need to connect to our hearts and humanity; that is what the challenge of AI is about. It’s absolutely insane that we have the power to change the world if we align with the divine wisdom of how to use this technology, which is what Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, represents.

In a recent article, I shared how Venus is the direct messenger of the Sun and how Venus’s occult name is actually Mercury. Venus was just at the heart of the Sun last week, and before that, it was in a trine to Pluto, the incarnation of the Sun. What… You think Venus didn’t get its marching orders from Pluto and the Sun on how to challenge us next? Look at Venus at 22 degrees—the murderous intent degree. The 10th house of public reputation and Mars, the spiritual planet of AI, are all ruled by Venus. This, my friend, is why Apple is playing in the art of war strategically. It’s a seemingly harmless air energy in a year of AI ruled by two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter. So then what is the murderous intent? That’s simple: it’s distraction. Our current capacity for AI is silly things like Genmojis (confession: I use the message effects every chance I get, but still, someone’s got to say it).

The Venus energy pervasive throughout the year creates the perfect soil to seed warfare, while Jupiter and Venus in Gemini are beginning to infect us with shiny object syndrome. Then Uranus in Gemini rolls around in 2025 and pulls a “GOTCHA! You ain’t shit,” becoming our worst James Cameron Matrix nightmare; AI only mirrors our most intelligent foolishness making Venus at 22 degrees of Gemini, a catch-22.

So, are we going to lead with human intelligence or yet again bite into Apple intelligence? Maybe this time we should at least nibble, alchemize, and nibble some more. Look where Adam and Eve’s chomp of no chill brought us to…


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