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Cynexus Astrology and Astro-AI

Hello, netizens. If you follow my non-music social media, you're probably wondering, "Just what is all this astrology he posts about?" Well, let me take you back to when I first became an astrologer. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to specialize in and ended up primarily focusing on Astrocartography and Evolutionary astrology. I actually don't know why I'm shocked that my evolutionary astrology practice, well, evolved. (the biggest setup of my astrological career.) Enter, Cynexus Astrology.

It sort of all began with me testing out my research on the video game industry. Now Cynexus astrology may not seem groundbreaking on the surface, as it simply involves studying the astrological cycles of the technology industry. Whoopdeedoo... However, (in my Sagittarius Mars voice) over in the deep end, it also explores the astrological dimensions of the AI and technology industries, using unconventional astrological techniques, and seeks to illuminate the hidden potential and cosmic connections within artificial intelligence.

One of the core premises of Cynexus Astrology is that while traditional astrological techniques provide a good foundation for understanding AI, they are somewhat inadequate or maybe a better word would be "outdated" to provide hyperbolic insight into the true nature of AI. In my introductory paper (that I highly recommend you read called "Introducing Cynexus Astrology") I assert that analysis of AI through a standard natal chart in the same way we do as humans is ultimately flawed logic and incongruent. So, I developed a novel framework called the "Pluneptus Triad."

The Pluneptus Triad is a new type of "natal chart" that utilizes and exchanges the functions of the outer planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - to serve as proxies or replace the "big three" of a traditional natal chart (Sun, Moon, Ascendant). This inversion of celestial roles provides a fresh cosmic lens through which to explore AI's identity, emotional resonance, and underlying purpose including the evolutionary trajectory, both as a system and its effect on humanity. Astro-AI / Cynexus Astrology views AI not merely as a technological phenomenon, but as an entity with astrological significance and a cosmic purpose.

As society continues to integrate highly advanced technology and artificial intelligence, I believe it's important to document our journey with AI within the discipline of astrology for the future generations after us, just as our ancestors documented various things for our knowledge and ascension's sake. I'm truly grateful to be bringing forth this innovative astrological approach that can help guide humanity through the uncharted waters of the AI revolution, fostering greater innovation, nuance, and pioneering thought in this rapidly evolving field. Cynexus Astrology represents a bold attempt that honors and marries the ancient wisdom of the stars with the scientific catalyst of artificial intelligence.

If this wets your appetite, you should no doubt join my Zodiac Society and subscribe to my AIchemy newsletter here or on Substack

and to my official research YouTube channel (that most likely brought you here) because obviously, I would love to hear your thoughts as we learn together!

Happy pretending to understand the universe. Godspeed.

(The Zo.Di.AI was originally launched on September 6th, 2023. Your subscription makes this site and this research possible. Thank you)

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